Weeken with python (part 1)

In this serial, I write about what I learned about Python over the weekend. This week, I talked about (1) what is different between static method and class method, and (2) testing in python.

@staticmethod and @classmethod

When programming with python, you will see @staticmethod and @classmethod. What is the different?

Both @staticmethod and @classmethod are like static methods in Java. They are a function (method) of a class. For example, if you have a class name A, which define a method method_1 is static, you can call this method without creating an instance of A

>>> class A(object):
        class_var = []

        def static_method_1():
            print A.class_var
            print "static method 1"

        def class_method_1():
            This will make an error when you run like
            TypeError: class_method_1() takes no arguments (1 given)
            print "class method 1"

        def class_method_2(klass):
            This is fine
            print klass.A
            print "class method 2"
>>>> A.static_method_1()
static method 1
>>>> A.class_method_1()
TypeError: class_method_1() takes no arguments (1 given)
>>>> A.class_method_2
class method 2

The only different between @staticmethod and @classmethod is @classmethod must have first argument which is the class itself!

Test framework with python

nose is a test framework written in python

To install nose

$ sudo pip install nose

When working with our company project, I have to work with it. Here is test case template was used

import unittest

def setup()

def teardown()

class ModuleWantToTest(object):
    def test_function1(self):

    def test_function2(self):

Next, you will want to test like this:

$ nose test_file.py

Note that: two functions setup and teardown of a module will run before and after every class test cases. If you want to make setup and teardown for every method in class, you must name it like setUp and tearDown. and your TestSuiteClass must be an inheritance from unittest.TestCase.

import unittest
import nose

a = []

def setup():
    This method will run before any class Test
    with open('test_log', 'w') as f:
        f.write("setup module\n")
    a.extend([10, 20, 30])

def teardown():
    If setup was run successful
    This method will will run after class Test
    with open('test_log', 'a') as f:
        f.write("teardown module %s\n" % a)
    for i in xrange(0, len(a)):

class SampleTestModule(unittest.TestCase):
    b = []

    def setup_class(klass):
        This method will run before any method Test of SampleTestModule
        with open('test_log', 'a') as f:
            f.write("setup class\n")
        klass.b.extend([10, 20])

    def teardown_class(klass):
        This method will run after test and setup_class was run sucessful
        with open('test_log', 'a') as f:
            f.write("teardown class\n")

    def setUp(self):
        with open('test_log', 'a') as f:
            f.write("setup method\n")
        self.b.extend([40, 50])

    def tearDown(self):
        with open('test_log', 'a') as f:
            f.write("teardown method\n")

    def test_simple(self):
        assert len(a) == 3
        assert a == [10, 20, 30]
        assert len(self.b) == 4
        assert self.b == [10, 20, 40, 50]

    def test_simple2(self):
        assert len(a) == 3
        assert a == [10, 20, 30]
        # change a

        # because teardow will call after test_simple,
        # and setup_class re-run before test_simple2
        # so now b == [10, 20, 40, 50]
        assert len(self.b) == 4
        assert self.b == [10, 20, 40, 50]

class TestClass2(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_method(self):
        print a
        assert len(a) == 3
        assert a == [10, 20, 30]

Run this code, and check the log file we will see:

$> python test_module.py
$> cat test_log
setup module
setup class
setup method
teardown method
setup method
teardown method
teardown class
teardown module [10, 20, 30]

It means setup function of a module will run first, after that is setup_class function. And with every test cases, setUp function will be called at the beginning, after that, the real test case will be called. tearDown function will be called regardless of the result of the test case. NOTE again 2 functions must be setUp andtearDown (it is camelCase but snake_case as PEP8 suggested)

But when in your test module, you want to import some other module, how you can do it? Remember that, when you using nose test_file.py, the environment of python is the path of nose (which can get by which nose). To solve it, you will want to add path of library to python path Currently, I found 2 options:

  • Export to environment variable PYTHONPATH
$ export PYTHONPATH=path__to__library

Every time you run the test on another bash shell, you must retype this command.

  • You do not need to retype every time you run on another bash shell. You add it on directly on you test file by the below snippet
import os
import sys

library__path = path__to__library
if library_path is not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(library_path, 0)

Most of the time, you want to structure your project folder like that:


So you will want to add src directory in python path:

current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
src_path = os.path.join(curent_path, '..', 'src')
if src_path not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(src_path, 0)

But it still got some annoying because the code to add src path must be provided in every test modules. The better solution should have a script name test which include src path. And this script has options run all test modules or single test module.

Kien Nguyen Trung

A father, husband and Elixir lover.

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam http://kiennt.com