Using deamon tools to make process keep alive

Sometime, you want your process run forever, for example your web server, your web application instance, your database, your crawler, … But how you keep it running? Well, in UNIX we have daemon tools. To install it on debian


Author image Kien Nguyen on #server,

Debian run script at startup time

When managing a server, we sometimes want when a server boots up, it also starts some services automatically. Especially if you are running a web application, you will want to run: web server, database server, your app instances, your background queue manager, … and many other things.

This article will write about how to do these kinds of things with debian (please take a look at my other article about config debian virtual machine.


Set up development environment with Vagrant

When you join a new company, to start to contribute to the code base, you will need to set up a development environment on your local machine. Most of the time, the team will give you the bootstrap script to do that. But sometimes, that magical script does not exist, and that is the time you know you should introduce the team your bootstrap script. In this article, I shared what I learned while building a script by using Vagrant.
