Python object model

“In Python, everything is object”.

What does it means? Is that like other Programming Language (for example Java), everything in Python is instance of Base Class? If it is, what is the Base Class in Python? I have heard about object class in Python, is that Base Class?


Weeken with python (part 3)

In this serial, I write about what I learned about Python over the weekend. This week, I talked about (1) how to write a function to find an element in a list , (2) remove function of list, and (3) the different between __getattr__ and __getattribute__.


Mac OSX Lion with 2D Dock

Dock in MacOSX Lion is cool, but i like simplicity. I dont like 3D Dock, and prefer 2D Dock. In MacOSX Lion, to disable 3D effect on Dock, i do by followed step


Author image Kien Nguyen on #tips,

Using deamon tools to make process keep alive

Sometime, you want your process run forever, for example your web server, your web application instance, your database, your crawler, … But how you keep it running? Well, in UNIX we have daemon tools. To install it on debian


Author image Kien Nguyen on #server,